Confronting Myths About Root Canals

confronting myths about root canals

There was a time when root canals’ loathsome reputation was well deserved. That time was decades ago, however. Root canals have a reputation of being painful and complex but, thanks to advances in modern dental technology, equipment and techniques, we can finally put that reputation to rest. 

Root canal Treatment near you are essential techniques to rescue you from serious oral infections while avoiding preventable tooth extractions. Some myths are mere curiosities; others are serious and potentially problematic. The outdated myths surrounding root canals in North York fall into the latter category because too many people are afraid to get essential dental treatment because of their reliance on outdated, false and mythical information. 

No, a root canal isn’t a painful procedure

In the dusty and long-gone era of dentistry that predates sedation dentistry, laser dentistry, advanced anesthetics, and effective pain relief strategies, root canal was a painful and complex procedure. Today, though, root canal is a painless procedure that doesn’t cause pain, but can eliminate pain while ensuring the complete removal of potentially dangerous infections.

Root canals do more than eliminate pain

Pain is a common symptom of a badly infected tooth, but is not present in every case. In fact, the absence of pain can be a symptom of an infection so serious that the nerve and formerly living tissues in your tooth have died. Determining whether you would benefit from a root canal procedure involves considering a lot of factors. Some of them, you can observe for yourself: 

  • unusual sensitivity
  • tenderness under pressure
  • changes in the colour of the tooth
  • changes in the height of a tooth
  • the appearance of pimple-like bumps on your gums
  • and a foul taste or smell in your mouth.

Your dentist in North York may be able to confirm the need for root canal therapy in other ways that you won’t be able to notice yourself, using temperature tests and percussion testing as well as detailed imaging. All of these symptoms and confirming factors can be present without significant pain.

Root canal treatment is usually a permanent solution to your infection

Yes, there are rare situations when root canal treatment is not completely successful and must be repeated to ensure the complete elimination of infection. In the vast majority of situations, though, root canal treatment is long-lasting and potentially permanently successful — especially once the treated tooth is protected with a crown to provide structural support and a shield against penetration by bacteria. 

No, a tooth extraction is not just as good an option

Sometimes an infection is so serious that having the tooth pulled is the only reasonable next step. Your dentist will carefully review the health of your tooth, gums and mouth to decide if your situation has reached that point. Don’t worry, your dentist won’t pull your tooth unless it’s absolutely necessary. Why?

A tooth extraction can be an invasive, stressful and traumatic procedure that can increase the risk that harmful bacteria can enter your bloodstream. An extracted tooth also has to be replaced one way or another. Implants, partial dentures and bridges are all good options for replacing an extracted tooth, but they all involve additional expenses and procedures. A well-timed and successful root canal procedure by your dentist in North York can save your natural tooth and eliminate any need to worry about tooth replacements. 

Decisions about your health and well-being should be made based on facts, not myths. To find out whether root canal therapy at a dentist near you is right for your situation, contact a dentist in North York about the health of your teeth. 


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